Need to know the correct way to set your macros for a ketogenic diet?

Has your 75% fat /25% protein/5% carbs therapeutic keto have you stalled? Time to follow the proper macros for a ketogenic diet set up for fat loss and body recomposition.

To figure out your macros go here:

Some calculators tend to overestimate things especially fat and if fat loss is a goal then that’s why I tell everybody to choose “sedentary” and then choose a deficit of 20 to 25%.

We have seen great results with thousands of clients and customers prefer that keep protein intake of at least 1 gram of protein per pound of lean body mass BUT prefer 1.5gms + to get steller results.

After protein is set up, for a near foolproof set up, we recommend to keep total carbs under 30 grams and the rest is fat.

Feel free to vary fat intake daily, some days normal..some days lower.

This makes for a very effective way to hit a nice deficit at the end of the week.

The fat intake is NEVER a goal to hit but a LIMIT to stay under.

If you don’t hit your fat grams for the day, no problems at all; infact pat yourself on the back 🙂

Always hit your protein numbers.

Always keep carbs under your allotted amount, ie; 30 grams/day  give or take.

Never worry about fat intake…just don’t go over the limit.

Contrary to the what the missinfomerd “keto gurus” tell you (they are following trendy, heavily commercialized medical therapeutic ketosis not a ketogenic diet for fat loss and body recomposition ) the fat grams do NOT need to be higher than the protein grams because it seems many people don’t realize that 100 grams of protein is actually less than 50 grams of fat.

Some basic stuff here that is shockingly not basic for a lot of people.

Fat = 9 calories per gram. Protein and Carbs = 4 calories per gram

50 grams of fat = 450 calories

100 grams of protein = 400 calories.

50 grams of fat IS HIGHER than 100 grams of protein.

When you see these arbitrary percentages all over the Internet, they are not talking about % of grams of protein and fat..its the calorie percentage of the whole daily intake.

That’s why so many people get it so wrong and way over consume on the fat grams because they’re using the wrong math.

Read below fro the ketogenic diet “legends” and Dr’s ..Stephen Phinney, MD, and PhD Jeff Volek, PhD, RD

“…we have performed a number of studies indicating that most healthy humans maintain lean body mass and function during a ketogenic diet providing between 1.5 and 1.75 grams of protein per kg of ‘reference body weight’* (Phinney 1983, Davis 1990).

But in no case should dietary protein intake be reduced below 1.2 g/kg in the context of a well-formulated ketogenic diet. This range; 1.2 g/kg at the low end and 2.0 g/kg at the upper end, with a 1.5 g/kg mid-range moderate intake target.”

Also ketogenic research legend Lyle McDonald:

“Fat and fat intake requirement has zero to do with a ketogenic diet. In general terms, a ketogenic diet is any diet that causes ketone bodies to be released by the liver, shifting the body’s metabolism away from glucose to fat utilization.

More specifically, a ketogenic diet is one that restricts carbohydrates below a certain level, inducing a series of adaptations to take place. Protein and fat are variable, depending on the goal of the dieter. However, the ultimate determinate of whether a diet is ketogenic or not is the presence (or absence) of carbohydrate

– Lyle McDonald
Author of the ketogenic diet

Figure out your macros below: